220# Back Squat
245# Deadlift
Can do 5 wall walks in under 25 seconds
CrossFit Level 1 Certification
I didn’t really play any sports growing up unless you count little kid soccer first-third grade. I spent most of my time growing up playing in my backyard or in the band room at school. I was in my high school drum corp, I was in the “pit” meaning I didn’t have to march but I did have to push giant instruments on and off the field (this has made sled pushes in workouts make so much easier). When I started CrossFit, I was intimidated by having very limited fitness experience. That feeling went away very fast and I fell in love with CrossFit and the community that comes with it.
Most of my life I have struggled with my mental health, I have been diagnosed with bipolar and anxiety. Throughout my life I have tried many methods of coping with my mental health, some have worked well, including medication and different therapies. Some were not so great, like alcohol (which I no longer partake in). I was at a low point when a friend told me about how he had friends over every night to coach them through workouts. He had somehow convinced me to give it a try one day. I was instantly hooked, and I kept coming back several times a week. My mental health kept getting better and better. I noticed the change and after my friend had moved I came to Tiltshift, knowing I couldn’t give up this perfect coping mechanism. Since coming to Tilt-shift I have made connections with amazing people that relate to my story, I have become a coach and now train to compete as well.
I enjoy coaching all levels of athletes. I love being a part of the journey for those that are newer to CrossFit. It is so exciting to watch people find the “CrossFit fire” and celebrate their progress and all their “first” in all the various movements.