Chelsea Jung

Chelsea Jung

Owner, CrossFit Level 3 Trainer

Ask Me About That One time That I went to Head-to-Head with Katrin on the Monkey Bars

11th Place in Affiliate Cup at CrossFit Games 2013

Fran 2:11

Deadlift 340#

Snatch 170#

Ring Muscle Ups 15


CrossFit Level 3 Trainer

Sanctionals and Quarterfinals Athlete

2x CFG Team Competitor, 5x Regional Team Competitor

CrossFit Kids

CrossFit Olympic Lifting

Education in Physical Therapy, Athletic Training, and EMT-B

About Coach

My career journey started in Athletic Training, working as a medical provider for high school sporting events. That morphed into CrossFit coaching, then managing a gym, then owning my own gym. Everything that I have learned along the way has made me into the coach and owner that I am today - with over 9 years of experience. As an athlete, I always dreamed of being a high level athlete in my favorite sports - basketball, track, cross country. It wasn't until I started CrossFit that I realized how much time, effort, and intentionality need to be put in to be the best. The CrossFit Open debuted in 2011 and so did my competition journey. Over a decade later, I continue to compete regularly and I could not be more proud of the strides that I have taken during this time as both an athlete and as a human. I have had the opportunity to compete overseas with some really impressive athletes, which will definitely be proud moments that I take forward with me. Although I still strive to be the best, I now define being the best as being the best version of myself instead of looking at a leaderboard. My husband Matt, our dog-child Luna, and I live in the Highland Park neighborhood of West Seattle. We have been married since 2010 and have lived in West Seattle for the majority of that time. Our date nights generally consist of a swanky night out at a new restaurant where we try to pretend that we might just do this every night. Matt is a Seattle Fire Fighter with a passion for helping people, and Luna couldn't be more proud to be the Tiltshift mascot.

Turning Point

CrossFit has changed my life. When I finished my collegiate sprinting career, I was at a loss for what to do with myself. I tried running marathons and, although I checked it off of the bucket list, I didn't truly enjoy it for anything more than the challenge. I joined my first CrossFit gym in 2009 and life has never been the same. I have changed my career, transformed my life, and met my Seattle chosen family. I have learned the importance of intentionality and have found my body image issues melt into feelings of confidence in what my body can do. I am constantly challenged to try new skills and to strive to be the best version of myself, both physically and mentally.

Motivation & Passion

I am a coach to my core. I am proud when I get to witness beginner CrossFitters go out of their comfort zone to try something new and veteran CrossFitters pushing themselves further than they ever thought that they could. I love being a part of someone else's journey as they show up for themselves. I do my best to always bring something new to my coaching so that athletes of all levels are learning every day. My favorite athlete to coach is one that is willing to learn and work hard.

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